USIM Book's Review: Communications and Media Law in Malaysia 

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This book provides an introductory discussion on communications and media law in Malaysia by referring ...

This book provides an introductory discussion on communications and media law in Malaysia by referring to freedom of speech guaranteed under the Federal Constitution as well as related authorities in media. It provides the challenges and legal issues related to communication and media faced by Malaysia. This book also examines the development  cyberlaws in Malaysia such as the Communications and Multimedia  Act 1988(Act 588), the Data Protection Act 2010( Act 709). This book provides a general discussion on defamation sedition laws and its relationship with printing, electronic media and also the internet by referring to the defamation Act 1957( Act 286) [REVISED 1983] and the Sedition Act 1948[Act 15]. It also highlights the legal aspects of printing presses, the official secrets in media by examining the the Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984[Act 301] and the Official Secrets Act 1972[Act.88]. It also highlights aspects of copyright laws in media by discussing the Copyright 1997[Act332].

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Profil Pembentang
Dr. Syahirah Abdul ShukorSenior LecturerFaculty of Shariah and LawUniversiti Sains Islam Malaysia 

Dr. Syahirah Abdul Shukor

Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Shariah and Law

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia 

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Kategori Program
Resensi Karya